Helping school districts cost-effectively raise student achievement and improve teachers’ lives
Our Philosophy
All school districts want to deliver a better future for students, but doing so is challenging when faced with growing student needs, increasing expectations, and shrinking budgets. Simply adding more staff, time, or money is not an option for most districts.
Fortunately, there are proven solutions. Best practices and a shift from past practice can serve students, teachers, parents, and taxpayers well and build a better future for our children.

Areas of Expertise
New Solutions K12 offers consulting services, professional development, and complimentary resources to help leaders implement solutions successfully at both the school and district levels, drawing on our decades of on-the-ground experience and deep knowledge of research-proven best practices.
Special Education
Students with disabilities deserve better outcomes, and best practices show the way. A new approach that integrates general education can change lives. Best of all, the best practices are affordable as well as impactful. LEARN MORE →
RTI and MTSS hold much promise to close the achievement gap, but too often implementation challenges undermine their full potential. Lessons learned from the field can improve intervention, turning opportunity into reality. LEARN MORE →
Every minute of the day is precious, yet many teachers and principals lament that their schedule gets in the way of teaching and learning best practices. A more strategic approach to scheduling can better support your goals. LEARN MORE →
Social & Behavioral Support
All districts are struggling to meet the growing social, emotional, and behavioral needs of children but with mixed results. Classroom teachers are burning out and need more effective efforts. Best practices can show the way. LEARN MORE →
Strategic Budgeting
Resources are tight while needs and costs continue to grow. As ESSER dollars go away, the funding gap increases. New approaches to budgeting, spending and staffing are needed. Students, staff and taxpayers can all benefit. LEARN MORE →
Custom Support
With decades of experience across more than 30 states and hundreds of districts, we have seen a lot. We can help navigate whatever challenges come your way, including planning, implementation, building buy-in, and managing change.
We have proudly partnered with schools across the country to help address their biggest challenges and cost-effectively raise student achievement.
300+ Districts
30+ States
1000+ Leaders
Key Resources
Six Shifts to Improve Special Education
Maximizing the Impact of Intervention Time
Making School Scheduling More Strategic
How to Make Tight Budgets Do More For Kids
Best Practices for Addressing Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs