Nathan Levenson


About Nate

As president of New Solutions K-12, Nate leads the team in its efforts to help school and district leaders cost-effectively raise student achievement and improve teachers’ lives. He has spent the last 25 years working to improve student learning and outcomes and brings a unique perspective to this mission, having served as a school superintendent, school board member, private sector CEO, and consultant. His practical yet innovative ideas have been implemented by more than 300 school districts and state education agencies in 30 states across the country and around the world. Nate is passionate about helping to turn great ideas into a better reality for both students and staff.

Nate has deep experience working with school, district, and state education agency leaders to cost-effectively improve special education, intervention, and social, emotional, and behavioral supports for students; to build student-centered schedules that support teaching and learning best practices; to create budgets that align with district priorities; and more. His work with school districts spans the continent and the globe from California to Florida to Vermont to the Middle East.  He has supported improving services for students with special needs in school systems as large as 1,000,000 students (NYC) to as small as 100 students (VT). These efforts have included in depth reviews of current practices, facilitation of crafting realistic yet bold implementation plans, and working on the ground with school and district leaders through multiyear implementation. Statewide support includes helping shape a fundamental overhaul of special education in Vermont and Louisiana, a comprehensive review in Wyoming, and extensive training across Florida. Nate has also partnered with the Louisiana, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Ohio and Washington departments of education. In addition, he frequently provides professional development for school and district leaders, including training for new or aspiring superintendents.

Under Nate’s leadership as superintendent of Arlington Public Schools (MA), the district reduced the number of students reading below grade level by 65% and decreased the special education achievement gap by 66%. In addition, some schools within the district were commended by the Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy, by the National Blue Ribbon Schools program, by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Compass Schools program, and by School Matters—all for outperforming schools in like communities. Nate also has previous experience serving as school board chair of Boxford Public Schools (MA) and as CEO of North American Industries, an engineering and manufacturing company.

A recognized thought leader in the K-12 education sector, Nate frequently speaks at national conferences, conducts primary research, and publishes resources for school district leaders. He has also advised governors, state legislators, state commissioners of education, and the Secretary of Education. Nate has led professional development in over 100 districts, provided training for aspiring or new superintendents in Connecticut, Florida, Louisiana, and Vermont. He has keynoted for the Connecticut, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Vermont, Colorado, and Los Angeles area special education leaders. Associations of State Business Officials in Massachusetts, Louisiana, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire have also invited Nate to speak on many occasions. He has spoken at national conferences hosted by AASA, NSBA, ASCD, ASBO and numerous think tank thought leader gatherings. 

Nate has authored six books including It’s Time for Strategic Scheduling: How to Design Smarter K–12 Schedules That Are Great for Students, Staff, and the Budget (ASCD); Smarter Budgets, Smarter Schools: How to Survive and Thrive in Tight Times, Second Edition (Harvard Education Press); and Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions: A Commonsense Approach for School Leaders (Harvard Education Press).

He has published more than 30 articles, which have been featured in publications such as Educational Leadership, District Administration, School Administrator Magazine, Education Next, and more. He has also authored white papers in conjunction with leading think tanks, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Center for American Progress, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

Nate holds a Bachelor of Arts from Dartmouth College and a Master of Business Administration with distinction from Harvard Business School. He is a graduate of the Broad Foundation’s Urban Superintendents Academy (now part of the Yale University School of Management). He has experience serving on both private and non-profit boards, including UNCF-North East Region, Merrimack Valley Habitat for Humanity, and Boxford Public Schools.

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